Aiming too High?
Today I thought about how long it’s taken to find a full time job. I’ve applied to many places, but I’m also only applying to jobs that are exciting! Why not? You never know if you don’t try.
“You’re aiming too high” is not something you say. To have will power and worth grows slowly each day.
So don’t settle too low for the status quo. Maintain that drive you have and be ready for the show.” -Kim Manzi
I’m in the middle of my life, I’m sick of settling, and tired of not feeling “equal” to my peers. For the first time, I’m no longer giving off the vibe of “things are unfair, or poor me.” Would you want to hire someone like that? No! So it’s really important, no matter how hard it gets, to know your worth, don’t lose that.
Some people don’t know their worth. But everyone has something they are good, if you find it, it will elevate your spirit and you begin to portray yourself differently. It’s difficult for many to find worth, which is why it’s even more important not to let it go.
Keep it up, aim high, your time is coming. It’s exciting to think your new opportunity is coming!